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Lend a hand folks!

Lend a hand folks!

At the Seacourt Committee Meeting last Friday (14 October 2011) we had a discussion about how best to take care of the electric kit and how to encourage everyone to be responsible for it. There were a few grumbles about the boxes, spools and conductive piste not being put away properly, but it was soon realised that this is out of our fencers’ lack of awareness rather than laziness.

So, over the next few weeks, we’ll be spreading the word and showing people how to set up and take down a piste and how to stow the equipment away safely so that any risk of damage is minimised. To help achieve this, we want to buy some bags which will each contain a colour coded box, spools, ground leads and extension cables. This means it will be easy to keep the kit together and remove the frustration of finding a box with no power supply etc.

We hope that we can reach a stage where everyone is happy to deal with the kit and that you will all feel welcome to use whatever kit the club has to give you a great night’s fencing. We have invested in a super electric piste and we hope that you’ll want to get it out and use it. It’s a little tricky to get back in the bag, but that all adds to the fun, doesn’t it?