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LPJS Competition runs smoothly

LPJS Competition runs smoothly

This weekend, 5th and 6th June, saw the annual LPJS competition take place at the Charter Sports Centre.

This year we were without Jenny as chief organiser, because she was away representing her country at the European Vets Championships. However, several members of Portsmouth & Southsea FC stepped into the breach and undertook the organisation on the day.

On the night before the competition, Paul Hunt led a team to lay out the pistes. Val busied herself with sorting out rankings and writing out the certificates in beautiful calligraphy. Hannah Mitchell performed admirably on the day as chief organiser, with Dave Couch shut in the “Control Room” on the computer and Oliver as “Gofer”. Lucy Wright helped Hilary Foley who did a great job buying and organising all the refreshments. Other club members were on hand throughout the day to lend support and help.

Our thanks go to all the referees who enabled the competition to run so smoothly and to Dave Litchfield for providing top-notch armoury services.

We have had some very positive feedback about the competition with parents complimenting us on how efficiently the competition was run. So well done everyone.